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"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms"

1 Peter 4:10



If you would like to support the ministries of Crossroads Lutheran Church through a financial gift, we have your options listed below.  Thank you for your gift to the mission and ministry of Crossroads!


During church services:
Simply drop your cash or check offering into the offering plate at the appropriate time during our worship service.


Through the mail:
Mail your check offering to

Crossroads Lutheran Church

8511 Shelley Mullis Road

Indian Land, SC 29707


Online giving options:

1. Many banks offer an online bill payment feature. If your bank does, you can set up Crossroads as a payee and send checks, usually at no additional charge to you.


2. Click HERE which takes you to our online giving site to make a secure monetary offering.  You can direct where your gift goes once at the online giving site.

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